Friday, November 14, 2008

Ghost Whisperer Season 4 Episode 7 Jim Does Not Cross Over

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We start off seeing Jim at someplace asking were he is. He meets his brother at a lake. Jim and his brother and dad used to go there. His brother is there to bring Jim to the other side. Jim says that he has to see Melinda. Jim says no, he cannot leave Melinda. They part ways.

Jim goes into what appears to be a cottage and opens a door to see his and Melinda’s wedding. The next door he opens is at the hospital when he was dying. The next door is today when Melinda is telling Delia that she has not seen Jim or any other ghost since he died. Melinda cannot see Jim as a ghost, but another ghost girl throws an apple at her.

Jim’s mom comes for the funeral. She looks at a picture of Jim, his brother and his dad. Jim can see her. Then he sees the light again. It is his brother again telling Jim that everyone can take care of themselves. Jim said that Melinda cannot see him and his brother says it is because of her grief.

Melinda stands on the front porch talking to Jim, but she still cannot see him. She wants to know that he is alright. In the house, the china hutch doors open and all the china flies out. Melinda goes to investigate. It is that same girl ghost. She wonders if it is Jim. He says, “No, it is not him,” but she still cannot hear him.

At the funeral, they play a rock song and everyone starts dancing because that is how Jim would have wanted it. Even Melinda is dancing and smiling. Jim arrives and is amused to see this. Then Melinda sees him. She puts her arms around him, but what you see is her dancing with her arms in the open air. (No one has any makeup one in this first part of the episode, everyone is natural)

The funeral is over and Jim and Melinda are home. He tells her that the apple throwing and breaking of the dishes was not him. She tells Jim that he has to cross over. He says that he does not want to. He says that maybe he doesn’t believe in crossing over.

Melinda goes to see Jim’s mom off at the bus. Jim is there also. Then Jim sees the girl ghost and goes after her. He followers her into an apartment building were she is screaming at some man for not seeing her.

Jim and Melinda meet back at home. He wishes he could make her an omelet. Melinda tells Jim that he has to cross. He has to let her go until they meet again. He says that his journey is to be with her and he does not want to let go. Melinda tells him never to come there again. She tells him if he loves her he will cross over. They will be together again. Melinda leaves the room.

Then the girl ghost arrives. Jim is watching out the window and when Melinda turns, he disappears.

Eli is awaken when his TV turns on and a light brightens up the room. Jim is visiting Eli. Jim tells Eli that Melinda doesn’t want to see him. Jim tells Eli that Melinda has a ghost following her and the ghost is toxic. Melinda is vulnerable and Jim is afraid for her. Jim will not cross over until Melinda is safe.

Melinda is quite snotty as she talks to Eli about Jim not crossing over yet. Eli wants to help Melinda with the ghost. Jim said that the ghost might be a cancer patient. Melinda says that she cannot do this, she wants nothing to do with ghosts.

Jim’s brother talks to him about crossing over. His brother has been waiting for him since he died to cross over. Then Jim sees his dad. Jim says that he cannot go. He is not ready to go and leave Melinda. His brother goes and the light goes away. Jim is still here.

The ghost girl tells Melinda about her step dad. The girl says that what happened is the reason that Jim is dead.

Melinda tells Eli that the girl ghost said that she is responsible for Jim’s death. Eli thinks the girl ghost might have an eating disorder. Eli goes to the hospital looking for information on the girl. Jim shows up and scares him. The nurse really thinks that Eli is strange.

As the nurse brings up the information that she cannot show him, Jim looks over her should and gets the information. Eli gives the name to Melinda. They go to the house of the address for the girl. Melinda sees a man dumping garbage and walks up to him and said, “Do you remember me?”

Melinda calls for Jim, she needs to ask him a question. Turns out the detective that shot Jim is the father to the girl ghost Katlyn, Melinda tells Jim.

Turns out that the cop wasn’t ready to be back to work because he wasn’t ready. After Katlyn died he was a wreck. Melinda tells him that she is there and she blames herself for hurting him. The cop says that he shouldn’t have been working that night, he just wanted her back. He missed her so much.

Jim listens to Melinda pour her heart out about love. Everyone is crying. Then Melinda tells the man that his daughter is crossing over. Jim is not ready to go yet.

Jim tells Melinda he loves her. She loves him to. Then he disappears out of the car. Someone was hit buy a car and he died and his soul left. Jim jumped into his body. Then the man looks at Melinda and says, “Do I know you?”

We will have to see what happens next week.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for putting up this informative post and sharing with us although its not about download ghost whisperer tv show which i was looking for but i enjoyed it a lot.

December 11, 2008 at 5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks 4 putin all dat up xxx
but u cud ave put up more!!!
i love ghost whisperer!!!!! nd i want 2 marry jim!!!!! screw melinda!!!!...

xxx i <3's jim> xxx

February 24, 2009 at 11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i no wat u mean jim is so handsome!!!!! luv u jim!!!XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx

February 24, 2009 at 11:05 AM  
Anonymous christina said...

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December 15, 2009 at 3:55 AM  

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