Friday, November 7, 2008

Ghost Whisperer Season 4 Episode 6 "Imaginary Friends and Enemies"

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Friends of Jim and Melinda's are getting married. The groom (Hunter) buys the bride (Trisha) a necklace in a little jewelry box. Jim and Melinda are talking about getting pregnant again. When Jim and Melinda arrive at the house of the bride, the daughter (Natalie) stays in her mom's old bedroom and encounters something mysterious. It is talking to her, but we cannot hear. It is telling her something that puts a frown on her face. The girl leaves the room and goes to another room. Now the girl is missing. Melinda hears her behind a closed door. Natalie has the jewelry box. When Hunter gives it to Trisha she opens it and tons of bugs come pouring out.

Melinda is reading the wedding plan. Melinda informs Jim that she heard Natalie talking to someone behind the door. Natalie's dad had died, could it have been him? Jim's friends are talking about starting a restaurant together. After the guys leave, Trisha sees her daughter sneaking away. Where is she going?

Melinda goes after her and finds her by a stream. Melinda asks her if her friend brought her out there. Natalie tells Melinda that her friend does not like to be around people because he is sick. Melinda asks if she can talk to her and Natalie yells no he doesn't want to talk to anyone. Then the girl finds her mom and asks her to come with her. She has something to show her.

Natalie tells her mom to look in the linen drawer and she does and cuts her finger on an ice pick. Trisha thinks her daughter did it and is trying to stop the wedding. Natalie tells Melinda that she doesn't know why her friend is being so mean to her mom. Natalie is drawing a picture of her friend. He is a little boy with braces on his legs. Natalie tells Melinda that he told her something really bad is going to happen.

Trisha said the boy doesn't look familiar. Natalie said that she didn't make him up. The color pictures done with crayon were drawn by Trisha her mom tells her. Melinda asks Trisha if she ever saw ghosts, she said that doesn't remember. The little boys name is Owen and he appears. Melinda wants to talk to him, but he wants Trisha to play. She said she can't because she is getting married.

Then he appears in the house and Trisha gives in and says, "Let's play." She walks down the hallway and into a room. He leads her into the basement. He writes on the mirror that he wants her to bob for apples. When she does, she comes up with what looks like leeches on her face. She screams when she looks in the mirror.

Hunter takes the leeches off her face. Melinda says there must be a message and Hunter says "No" just let it go, they are getting married. Melinda tries to figure it out. She is taking the first letters to every thing that has happened and finds a foundation for Owen, but he didn't die from his disease, he died in the creek.

Melinda goes out to the creek to talk with Owen. Owen says that he is not trying to hurt Trisha, he is trying to help her. It is there game and she has to figure it out. Owen tells Melinda that the creek is were he first met Trisha. Owen and her went to her house to play and the next day he went back to her house and she wasn't there. He thought she was on the other side of the creek and he tried to cross the creek alone and fell in and died.

Owen tells Melinda that Trisha must keep playing. Trisha finds the rope that she used to help Owen cross the creek in her bed. They need to figure out all the letters to figure out the clue. A newspaper article is a present and it is Hunter and Christopher, but Hunter is not his real name. His name is Robert.

Hunter is looking for his bride. They figure out that Hunter is paying Christopher large sums of money, more than the cost of the restaurant. Jim tells her that there has never been any one named Hunter that ever when to Business School. Melinda looks for Owen, but she doesn't find him. Jim and Melinda return home.

Melinda is in the basement at her store and Owen comes. He said that Hunter is still at the lodge and he is acting weird. He is really mad. Jim is on his way to thre lodge and Melinda cannot get a hold of him. Melinda calls the sheriff and asks him to meet her there.

Jim walks into the lodge and Hunter is there drinking. Hunter says he is waiting for Trisha to come back. Hunter pulls out a rifle. Jim takes a step back. Hunter is pointing the gun on Jim. The sheriff and Melinda arrive at the lodge, the sheriff goes to the lodge, Hunter shoots the gun, Jim ducks, and the shot goes out the window. Then Hunter and Jim struggle over the gun, the sheriff aims and shoots. He hits Jim.

Jim is down and the ambulance is going to take him away. He said he does not feel any pain. They take Jim away. He apologies to Melinda for missing their date tonight. Melinda waits in the hospital with Delia and Ned.

The nurse tells Melinda the surgery was successful. They are keeping an eye on him. Melinda goes to him. Owen shows up in the hospital along with Trisha and Natalie. Natalie can see Owen. Owen can go into the light now.

Jim appears next to Melinda. He is a ghost. He died. He had an embolism. Jim is gone. His ghost tells Melinda he will always love her. Melinda keeps saying, "Please not you."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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December 3, 2008 at 5:52 AM  

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